...but far from surprising.
Al ("the planet has a fever") Gore testified in front of a Senate committee today, warning a room-full of fawning Democrats that we are in deep doo-doo, global-warming-wise. There were a few skeptical Republicans there as well, though the only coverage of their participation I've seen came when the egregious Barbara Boxer (who, I am embarrassed to say, "represents" my state) chastised James Imhofe, a Republican Senator, for trying to keep the circus from getting out of hand.
But aside for the normal lack of objective facts, emotional generalizations and simple horsecrap I expect from Big Al, there was a telling moment in the proceedings:
Imhofe: "“Are you willing to make a commitment here today by taking this pledge* to consume no more energy for use in your residence than the average American household by one year from today?”
Gore: "No. We live a carbon-neutral life, Senator."
And there is the secret: Gore, with lips trembling and tears in his eyes, tells us in a quavering voice that we must act to cut C02 emissions and cap carbon emissions right where they are. Immediately. In the meantime, he'll do his bit by buying the right to continue to be a gross polluter from people who don't pollute as much.
Oh, yeah: guess who happens to be a founder and shareholder in the company he buys "pollution credits" from?
Uh-huh. Al ("our civilization is threatened") Gore.
* As a believer:
· that human-caused global warming is a moral, ethical, and spiritual issue affecting our survival;
· that home energy use is a key component of overall energy use;
· that reducing my fossil fuel-based home energy usage will lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions; and
· that leaders on moral issues should lead by example;
I pledge to consume no more energy for use in my residence than the average American household by March 21, 2008.”
4 hours ago
I promise I won't pollute any more. I doubt I'll polute any less, but definitely no more. :)
lowandslow -- I already liked you better than Al....
I pledge to use no more fossil fuels than I can afford to put through the Chebby. I also pledge to continue to let my truck idle in any sub zero weather so I can keep at least a bit of heat in it.
Shame, shame, dal!
Don't you realize that idling truck will contributing to melting the snowpack around it?
So, Al is paying himself to buy his way to carbon neutrality and salvation?
Why not just cut out the middle man...
I whole-heartedly believe in the carbon-neutral thingo. Our car is carbon neutral because we are part of an Aussie scheme to plant tree to the equivalent of kms driven. Plus, on our wedding day, it's Earth Hour in Sydney, where everyone will switch off all electricity (include stand-by on appliances) for an hour. So we're going to try and carbon neutral our wedding because we won't be able to close down the kitchen for Earth Hour. At least Gore has brought the issue of global warming back into the spotlight and environmental issues declined in the noughties as a priority for people. I admire him for doing that and at least being some-what pro-active. Rant over as you say ;)
kim -- I'm in favor of conservation and reduction of emissions.
I am not in favor of someone claiming "carbon neutrality" as he lives in a house that uses dozens of times more electricity and gas than normal people and flits about in a private jet.
Al does more harm than good, because he stretches the facts far beyond recognition.
Big Al? What does THAT mean?
Paula, it means he's uh...gained a little weight lately. :-D
I saw part of the hearings...all I can say is spin, spin, spin on Al!
Oh thanks sis!
This is part of my political education. I seem to remember that when I read "An Inconvenient Truth" there were uhm, differing size pics on the outer back cover and inside in the family info...
Al AND the planet may both be suffering from overconsumption...
Or, spinning out of control...
OK. I'll stop.
And since I wont be driving my car anymore (thus making zero income) and am disabled: I'll go live full-time in a Care-Home & receive full welfare benefits.
The care home & welfare will be paid for by the tax-payers.
The tax-payers will have to work in order to fund my care. And in order for the tax-payers to work: they'll pollute.
But hey, *i* wont be polluting.
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