...about -- what else -- the disgusting mess in Washington.
I started to write a long, angry screed, but it kept getting longer and longer, and embraced a widening circle of related topics. The hell with it. I deleted all that stuff, and have boiled it down to a few simple points:
1. If Jorge Bush's mealy-mouthed argument for staying in Iraq ("getting rid of a tyrant and spreading democracy") was to make sense, it would have to include moves on Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and most of the rest of the Middle East, as well as North Korea, China, several African nations and, perhaps, the EU.
2. Jorge Bush is a solid contender -- against Jimmuh Carter and Bubba Clinton -- to be named the most incompetent president in modern times. Certainly, he is the dumbest.
3. Removing him (and Dick Cheney) will not, however, repair anything unless we rid Washington of as much as 95% of Congress (including all big-name Democrats and Republicans), everyone in the State Department and the majority of government employees in that cesspool. I think those working at the Smithsonian can stay.
4. Between Jorge's pitiful performance and the ranting, slavering Democrats who place power-grabbing, revenge and hatred of their opponents above actually helping the people who elected them, all pretense of public service has vanished.
5. All Democrat and most Republican presidential candidates (except Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo and -- maybe -- Fred Thompson) represent the broken system. None deserve support.
This should be clear to any sensible person. Which is to say, any person who isn't stupefied by party loyalty.
To quote Jorge, "the fight will be difficult, but it can be won."
Only I'm talking about a different battle, one that will result in the government putting our citizens first in everything they do, not pandering to illegal immigrants and the would-be slave-owners who want them here, the big campaign donors and the UN.
I'm not terribly optimistic, but it seems our only way out of the looming disaster.
3 days ago
I mentioned this in my journal but I caught part of the Conservative PAC event that was on C-SPAN a few weeks ago. I have heard and read a lot about Tom Tancredo and he was the one, out of Guiliani, Huckabee et al., that I wanted to hear. But I fell asleep. Grr.
int -- Tancredo has a website, as does Ron Paul. Frankly, I'd go with Paul; the man makes sense on every issue.
Money talks in Washington, Scribbs, and big money doesn't want to hear what Ron Paul has to offer. There's nothing in it for them, corporately speaking. And without PAC mega-bucks to buy media time to tell his story, it's hopeless. Our system, which on paper is still magnificant, is in reality badly broken. A major house cleaning is overdue.
lowandslow -- it is a magnificent system. Those who have corrupted it over the years are at fault, not the writers of the constitution.
Those who are doing violence to our laws and sovereignty need to be rooted out and removed from power.
Where is Howard Beale when we really need him?
I don't want to get in trouble here but I'll vote for anyone who is running against Hillary. I would prefer Guiliani, Paul or Thompson but really..anyone but Hillary..please!
I hate to say it, but...
I really believe the public at large is way too uninformed and short-sighted to do what's necessary to fix this mess. We're constantly grabbing short-term fixes, instead of paying the price for actual long term solutions...
I think the whole thing will collapse before we wake up...
How's that for doom and gloom? ;-)
Sweet dreams,
woofy -- I'm afraid you're right, but I can't restrain my anger. I keep hoping the public will prove you -- and me -- wrong.
Well, here's to hope...
*in the meantime I'm stocking the bunker*
G'nite pal.
Scrib--you are one of the best ever at laying down excellent commentary. Please keep up the good work.
It does me good to know that people like you think this way. It means maybe there are more. And you have a way of stating things that people listen to.
Money may be buying Washington, but that does not mean other word can't get out.
I'd much rather go down standing for what's right, than go down acquiescing to El Hombre
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