An apt name for a device that mounts a turbocharged motorcycle engine and two wheels ahead of the driver/rider...
And a gigantic rear wheel behind...
The State of California says it's a motorcycle, and you damn betcha I wouldn't get on/in the thing without wearing a helmet. I'd want even more protection if I actually tried to ride/drive it....
I'd "operate" that. Looks like a howling blast. Don't like the winglets, though.
dal -- my guess is that you'd be damn happy to have the wings and winglets and anything else that might help keep the "Kamikaze" on the ground at the speeds it's capable of going....
Hey! I'd love to ride around and cruise the beaches in that.
I like it. Not the paint job so much, but I would take it for a ride. Not in LA maybe...
Another picture for Ryan!
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