...and on other days...
...the bear eats you!
The mail was late today, but -- to my absolute amazement -- a small token of gratitude from one of my clients arrived. It was the smallest of the tokens I was expecting, of course, but it was in any case enough to throw some meat at the wolves lined up, howling, in front of my door.
Or it would have been, if the stupid deposit had gone properly.
The bank computer apparently decided to hold the funds until, well, someday. The receipt shows the amount I put in, but the "available balance" and "total balance" lines were blank*.
I've lived without money for several days. One more won't hurt me.
As Lenny Bruce once said, "what the hell. I'd just piss it away on beer, anyway."
* I know what you're thinking: Why didn't I call the bank and raise hell, or go five miles through dead-stop traffic to make the deposit at a bank where humans work? Frankly, I'm too damn tired and angry to go through all that. If it doesn't show up on my balance in the morning, I'll follow through then.
1 day ago
Despite the new speed with which money disappears from your account when you write a check, money flowing INTO the account still seems to take as long as ever, sometimes five or more business days. The reason for this is evident.
anon -- if it takes more than ONE day, I will transform myself into a relentless pain in the ass....
Maybe they hold off until a human touches the check. And to listen to same banks' double talk, they then personally take the check to the bank thousands of miles away, trade it for cash, and bring that back placing it securely in your account, a little vault in the back with your name on it. It takes awhile.
Especially when they send the kid on the moped.
I'm just happy you finally got paid. Woohoo!
How annoying! I hate when that happens.
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