...because I have decreed that it is.
I'm sippin' a short shot of Mr J Beam's Golden Elixir. Not because I normally have a drink at 4:30 in the afternoon or am planning to go on a bender, but because I'm a firm believer in the 12-Hour Rule. So I have roughly a one-hour window to enjoy a taste before hanging it up for the night and switching to water.
Got everything more-or-less ready for tomorrow. Except, that is, for enthusiasm. With luck that will be waiting for me at the other end of our early-morning (now 5:30 am) drive. But my tools are packed and ready, and I have a large bottle of water chillin' in the fridge to carry with me. Doesn't matter that it'll be tepid by the time we get there; it will still be wet.
Nothin', nada, zippo, zero, gournisht went right today. Despite repeated phone messages and emails, I still haven't been informed about certain relatively important details concerning next week's trip: like where will I be staying, where do I have to be at what time on what day, etc.
Maybe the trip has been canceled, and they don't have the nerve to tell me. If so, they shouldn't worry; I have a one-word response ready if that happens: "cool!"
I'd much rather go see Diana Krall, anyway.
Comes to it, I'd rather concoct a big jug of lemonade tomorrow and sit outside listening to one of her CDs than head off to, well, where I have to go.
I did talk to a wide range of voice-mail systems today. I also took D. across town to pick up one of his cars; that was less painful than usual; only took two hours. I checked my mailbox, a pointless task.
I'll be writing this weekend, whether I want to or not. Cleaning, too. After two years of whining about it, I'm finally getting new window screens. Seems a good time to yank out the sliding windows, clean the frames and do likewise to the blinds.
What an exciting life!
3 days ago
I hope tomorrow goes well for you Scribbs.
5:30am early morning? I will have already completed my morning commute by that time!
Take care, keep the seatbelts on and enjoy the ride!
(Don't forget to take along the Diana Krall cd for the drive!)
Have a good trip! My life seems to revolve around "spring" cleaning these days. I keep reminding myself that if I had done it in the actual spring I wouldn't be doing it in 100+ degree temps now. Hindsight.
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