Sunday, June 04, 2006

You might say...

...I'm taking stock today, running an inventory to determine the state of affairs here at Fort Scribbler.

I'm looking at assets and liabilities, checking performance against plans and predictions. I'm trying to assess current and future trends.

In short, I'm trying to establish the value of my various operations.

Microsoft, I ain't. But I knew that going in.

The annual report ought to make interesting reading. If I dare to publish it.

We'll see.


Anonymous said...

if you get yours sorted out Mr Scrib can you come sort mine out too?

Doug said...

My inventory consists of numerous pricey items that immediately devalued 50% once I bought them, a job that pays OK for my skill set, and a wife who makes an OK roomie.

And a bunch of aquaintances who are half my age.

Anonymous said...

Good luck and if it comes out psitive, teach me how to reckon!

MrScribbler said...

So far, the totals are not looking good. There may be an announcement later....

gillardia said...

I don't even want to look at mine!
