So I was sitting here, alone on a Saturday night....
In the midst of a woolgathering kind of evening, with old and memorable music pouring out of my headphones, I began to hear from people.
First was a friend from far, far away who wanted to check in. Then, my adored adopted daughter, who was in rare form. Actually, any conversation with her is memorable....
And then, a girl with whom I hadn't talked in many months (more than a year, now that I think about it) chose tonight to renew our acquaintance. Among other things, she wanted me to know she's now, after putting it off for too long, going for her PhD. In astrophysics. We had a nice chat, and I understood far more of her conversation than I expected....
A frighteningly smart lady, that one. Cute as the proverbial button, too.
And now, it's almost time to listen to Ian Punnett, who's subbing for the inimitable Art Bell. If my Memphis Snake Doctors CD -- which features my talented brother, HarpO'Fly -- finishes before Ian takes to the air.
Not a perfect night, but one full of laughs and surprises.
3 days ago
I love it when the timing is right for people to appear. It must be going around.
I guess I'm in the minority but I like george Noory (sp?) maybe better than Art in some ways. George acts like he believes everything he hears.
I'd like to have Art's house I think.
Art has gotten seriously wacked-out in the last couple of years. I somehow doubt his show will be the same when he returns to it. I like Noory better in some ways, too...but yeah, Art's house would be a cool thing to have. I might even take up ham radio if I lived there, so as not to waste the huge antennas he set up.
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