...it wouldn't be a holiday weekend here Where The Ghetto Meets The Sea without someone getting stoned and taking a fall over the cliffs on the seaward side of the park.
When that happens, the cavalry gets called out for sure: every police car in the division, it seems, and half the fire trucks in the county...
Not to mention the fire department's nautical squad...
And a helicopter to winch the idiot up off the rocks and fly his butt to the hospital...
God obviously watches out for fools, drunks and stoners. Apparently, the guy is suffering mainly from cuts and bruises now, plus coming-down symptoms tomorrow, and one whopper of a bill from the city very soon....
4 hours ago
Am glad they will charge him for wasting all those services time. We dont here in the UK and its stupid because if all those appliances were out for one person someone in real need could have died...lol..can you tell this is a bug bear of mine?..Hope you had a safe one though Mr S..
Oh my goodness.
Thinking of you *hugs*
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