...in the form of something that happened last night. I wasn't going to mention it until I read about a somewhat similar event here.
I've sometimes wondered if the place I live in is haunted. Or if I am*. I needed to recharge my camera's batteries, and so put them in the charging unit, which I then plugged into the most convenient outlet, which happens to be in the bathroom.
Perhaps an hour later, I heard a loud noise from the bathroom. I went in and found that two batteries had popped out of the charger, and one of them had flown two feet across the counter-top to hit my toothbrush holder, knocking it into the sink with enough force to dislodge the plastic drain plug in the holder's base. My comb was on the floor, as was a bottle of vitamins that was nowhere near either batteries or charger.
I checked to see if there had been an earthquake. Nope. I had heard no other noises from outside, either, and felt nothing.
After putting everything back in place, I went to bed. Everything was where it should have been this morning.
I regularly find closed cabinet doors have opened in the night, but have always blamed that on cheap construction methods and the slow decay of the building. Now I wonder.
I'm sure there's a simple explanation. Really.
At least writing about this has distracted me from writing about my dreams last night. Which is good, because the dreams reminded me of losses incalculably greater than a mere toothbrush holder.
* It's probably me. I feel haunted much of the time.
3 days ago
"I checked to see if there had been an earthquake." That just sounds funny to me, being in PA where we almost never get earthquakes! Sorry, just made me chuckle. I know in CA that's a more common occurance.
Well, haunted it might be...that's some strange stuff. You just never kow....
probably just some friendly spirits celebrating New Year's Eve....or they really hate your battery charger...
Things like that happen at our house all the time! Did this just start or has it happened before? That's scary...
It was me, Scribbler... I was trying to nudge you out here to join me & help me drink all this liquor we had piled up. :-)
Re: Dreams - Perhaps our dreams are simply a spiritual garbage disposal. Which would then mean that all the bad stuff is gone and you're headed for a FANTASTIC new year with brand new toothbrush holders and all that good stuff. ***smile***
**Hugs** and AlooooHA!
I've had these experiences and much - well I won't go there here - but things happen, there are only a few explanations for them, if they occur frequently enough, one begins to think about the supernatural, that which is unseen yet which is all around us...
Maybe it was the cat?
KF -- Why didn't you just give me a nudge instead of messing with my toothbrush? That would have been much more fun....
Kellygirl -- definitely not the cat. He won't go in those cabinets. I keep cleaning stuff in them.
hmm...you know, in the Caribbean, if you say you're "haunted", it means you're horny! :P :P ;)
I hope it's not haunted or an earthquake, maybe just a fluke. I also hope you have a great new year, you deserve it! (((((HUGS)))))
I didn't know that, prettytrini!
Since you mention it, though, that just confirms I really do feel haunted! :-P
There is more between Heaven and Earth than meets the eye....truer words never spoken! I've had many similar events in this house. Touch sensitive lights turning on and off, secure things falling, a ball suddenly rolling....I think Kelly had it right, Just some friendly spirits wishing you a Happy New Year!
Sorry Scribbler. I'll remember that next tme. :-)
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