According to a psychologist interviewed for this story in the U.K. Sun newspaper*, January 22 is the most miserable day of the year.
...Dr Cliff Arnalls’ formula takes into account things like Christmas debt, fading memories of holidays, failing New Year resolutions and lack of daylight...
...Keep your chin up today with these thoughts: You’ll be closer to the HAPPIEST day of the year, June 23; we live longer than ever; money doesn’t always make you happy.
Dr Arnalls’ formula is 1/8W+(D-d) 3/8xTQ MxNA, where W = Weather, D = Debt, d = Money due in January pay, T = Time since Christmas, Q = Time since failed quit attempt, M = General motivational levels and NA = The need to take action.
And he didn't even put X (= ****) and SC (= shitweasel clients) in his equation!
I think I'll just stay in bed all day with the covers pulled up over me.
A note to that superannuated ink-stained wretch, Just-James (or, as he is known in Sweden, "Yust-Yames"): I do read the stories, even before I look at the Page Three Girls. So there....
4 hours ago
Staying in bed with the covers pulled over ya sounds like the best thing to do. It's my fav! Hope you had a good weekend, MrScribbs! :)
I don't know about all that fancy "w/8wt+(D-d 3/8...." mumbo jumbo, but I've already got my to-do list for tomorrow, and it sucks. I think we should all just boycott January 22! Who's with me?
I missed an "undercover day"? I'll take a raincheck since it was a nice warm day here. I'll need the raincheck sooner or later. Hope your tomorrow looks brighter.
Let's hope he's right and the 22 is the worst day of the year. Then things look up for all of us in the days that follow.
Oh no! I've had so many worst days that I think I'll stay in bed with my head under the covers! Glad you told me that, MrS. Thanks for the warning!
okay cool. So if I feel like shit all day I'll just blame the weather, and know that I can because it's scientifically proven that this is supposed to be a sucky day. If only all my sucky days could be scientifically proven. It would be so much pressure off me to do everything right.
Yeah, I'd rather stay in bed today too.
Anyone who uses the words 'Sun' and 'newspaper' together is a blithering idiot. I'm surprised at you, you miserable ole scribbling twat. The Sun is not a newspaper, never has been, never will be. It is a rag, a Bum & Tit Beano. It's a daily comic for the uneducated masses and the worst sections of society, written by, and aimed at people, with an IQ equal to their shoe size. In my humble opinion, that is.
You mean the Sun won't buy articles from you, J-J? Had I but known -- I was under the delusion that you are really Mystic Meg -- I would never have started reading!
The same story appears in The Independent, too. What have you got against that paper?
I'm not quite clear on what's wrong with a "bum and tit Beano," but I'll take your word it's Bad.
I have never, and would never, provide anything for the Sun, you scribbling ole shit. Even if they asked me, and were prepared to pay silly money. Same goes for The Sport - worse than the Sun if you can believe it - The Mirror and the others in the same cess pool. Then, step up from that, you've got the middle class comics - The Mail and The Express! Equally dire, for different reasons.
The Independent, Times, Observer, Telegraph and the Financial Times more akin to what a newspaper should be. Oh, and the Grauniad - that one's in a league of its own, but an interesting read for an alternative, leftist, view.
And as for your ridiculous comment:
question, I'm not quite clear on what's wrong with a "bum and tit Beano," let me ask you this, as a writer. Is it NEWS to see a photo of Brittany (sp) Spear's twat as she gets out of a car? News like that, I can happily live without, when there are a lot more important things going on in the world.
J-J -- Since I am at present awaiting long-overdue payment for some "high-minded" articles, I have to say that the ready dosh available from scandal sheets doesn't seem all that bad. Principles, after all, don't make very filling meals....
I do find the Sun amusing from time to time. Yes, I'm easily amused.
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