My brother posted this in his journal, so I wasn't going to duplicate his effort. But then another friend emailed it to me, and I decided I had to have it in here.
Never mind what Kerry's apologists say, or what the arrogant creep himself says. In fact, pay no attention to what George Bush, Rash Fatblob or any of that crowd say.
The people who really count have said what needed to be said.
i mean, except, you know, they _are_ stuck in iraq.
why is john kerry allowed to talk anymore anyway, though? he's pretty done. he should sit down and shut up.
He fits right in the with the clowns, I should say clown, that is running JS. LOL.
I guess I should either shut up or leave, if I am going to complain that is :P
You are right, MrScribbler. That picture says it all! *hugs* from Sunny. PS: I put the pink flamingos in!
even the German news brought Kerry's booboo.... his career is over now, for sure!
Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy, birdie!
I never did like Kerry, still don't, but I'm not really happy with the way things are going with the way the republicans are running the affairs either, course, I really don't pay that much attention. I defintiely did not like the gas prices going so high and the war, well...I just don't know what to think. Really, these days to vote (in my opinion) is just chosing between the least of evils. The world is a mess. :(
What a great sign. Our troops are the best! Kerry is a first-class jerk!
simplepleasures -- this is one place where politics don't mean too much to me. When someone says something that offends our military people, I'm offended.
I hope you sleep well tonight! *smiles* and ditto what I said from my other comment here! ((hugs)) from Sunny in the Country
I've see this pic before -- ah, yes, Doc posted it too. What I want to know, is how does Kerry still have a job, anyway?
gillardia -- one word: Massachusetts. When you have Ted Kennedy as a senator, your tolerance level is high enough to accept Kerry. Or maybe Jack the Ripper.
Stuff like this gives hope that not only are there some Americans who still have brains and guts, but a fantastic sense of humor as well.
I agree about the don't listen to's.
These guys deserve the most sincere management of policy possible. No political and special interests considered. Just the best way to do the job without the hokey diplomatic garbage annd the insane self serving sabotage from CNN and statist idiots, Ted K, etc.
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