...all y'all are getting tired of my complaints and furious bleatings about how people I'm supposed to be working with/for are treating me. Likewise, you're almost certainly burned out on my pathetic personal life.
I know you're getting tired of the references to (name deleted) and all the other (deleteds) who are making me angry, poor, lonely and frustrated.
I know you'd rather see happy entries full of happy photos of happy kittycats and happy talk about how darn swell everything's going.
That's why this entry ends right here.
3 days ago
I was really hoping for some happy kitty photos....
I posted some kitty photos for you today. You do what you need to in order to get by. Lots of us here for you
Dammit, I need to hear how darn good things are. Don't make me have to come up with it myself. You can lie.
Now, now, justfly...I thought girls wanted men to be discreet.
Is that where I've gone wrong all these years?
Oooops...now you have me on the horns of a dilemma, JF.
That's the oldest trick in the book. Don't believe it. You'll be led astray.
john -- as if I'd never been led astray before!
Scribs - you write about what you want to write about!! I feel like I write about the same thing all the time too. These journals are our outlet. It's for YOU. I'll always come back and read, no matter what you post. *HUGS*
Today is a day that I totally agree with you. I wish I could just yell out what's wrong, but I can't. Things will get better!
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