...made up, in part, of comments I have left in other journals.
First, I have decided that February 13th and 15th will each be extended by 12 hours so they meet at what would ordinarily be considered "noon" on the day in between.
And I declare the day whose date I will no longer mention as "National Make Lonely People Feel Like Shit Day."
Twelve months ago, while in something of a financial crisis, I spent everything I had (save a few bucks budgeted for cat food) on a present and flowers. This year, I am in an equally depressing state money-wise (thank you, Clients X, Y and Z) but have no one for whom I wish to deplete my bank account.
That should be an occasion for feeling some relief, but it isn't. Nothing would make me happier than to be rolling pennies to buy gifts for the one I love. Even though she no longer gives a damn about me....
I've been reading that a study conducted in Greece suggests that taking an after-lunch siesta reduces the risk of catastrophic medical problems.
I may try an extended siesta tomorrow. One that lasts until, say, Thursday.
And that's the way it is tonight, fellow babies....
3 days ago
Well, I would just like to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day anyway. So there.
don't you dare cancel tomorrow! We have a date you know and if you don't get that car as your "non-reliable" clients promised, well kiddo, I'll just jump in mine and come north!
you know the saying: "If you can't get the mountain come to you, then you have to go to the mountain"...or something like that *wink*
Do you think I'm going to pass up this opportunity to kick your a..? :-) oh, or maybe that's what you're afraid of heehee.... gosh, you're difficult! :-)
tweet tweet says the "Birdie"
Well, there you go. Dames are chasing you.
I much prefer that and can only envy the circumstance if not the frame of mind. This is still Feb 13th until noon, when it will be the 15th. Fine by me.
Me too. wish I had your email address you would get a card!
I'm in.
See ya on the flip side of this miserable shit.
This is sort of an extended Feb 13th evening, 'cause I've been sitting on my arse all day.
Are you a Dr. Johnny Fever fan?
dal -- absolutely! I still think "WKRP" was one of the very best things I ever saw on TV....
"Andy, I swear to God, I thought turkeys could fly!"
Bailey or Jennifer?
dal -- I'd have to go with Bailey on that one. After all these years, my memory's a bit foggy on choice dialog...
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