...which began when I snapped on the radio and heard one of Bill Handel's favorite summertime sound bites, a Jackie Mason-like voice calling out: "It's gonna be a schvitz today!"
And it was.
It got plenty warm here -- and still is -- with the added nuisance of high humidity. Sometimes, the ocean breezes cut that down, but not today. Two showers so far, and possibly one more....
Trying to work was an exercise in futility. Everyone seems to have bailed out early in anticipation of the holiday, so after a few tries at making necessary contacts, I gave up.
The market was a little better. The local Von's is finally stocking Tsingtao Beer again, and I bought my entire summer beer ration: one six-pack. Not much of a beer drinker, but on these hot days I sometimes feel the urge. Besides, there's every chance my mini-stash will vanish tomorrow. Several tenants here are having a BBQ and if I make it down there I'd better have an offering with me.
So what's up for the Fourth? Absol-freekin'-lutely nada. There will be a legal fireworks show tomorrow night within viewing range; the local un-safe and in-sane fireworks (provided generally by longshoremen who bring 'em home from Chinese ships in port) show will probably not happen again this year. The cops have been coming down heavy on those who dare shoot 'em off.
Of course some people started firing the illegal stuff off several days ago. The only problem is that their preferred show-time tends to be at midnight....
I'm still feeding my pet-sitter's cats. At least I think I am; I've only seen one of the critters, and their food and water dishes have needed daily refilling.
The little creeps have fleas, which my cat does not. I'm itching.
This is amazing. I've laid down all this blather and haven't said a thing I intended to say. You people are so lucky....
23 hours ago
1 comment:
Fireworks done by the city in the park 1/2 block from my house. I'm up on a little hill, so feel like I have front row seats. Local idgits have been shooting off fireworks for days here too. I'm just glad that my old dog is pretty deaf these days...fireworks score the bejabbers out of her.
Enjoy the day!
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