...comes this heartwarming story about a Scottish seagull with unusual taste in food...
According to The Beeb, A seagull has turned shoplifter by wandering into a shop and helping itself to crisps.
The bird walks into the RS McColl newsagents in Aberdeen when the door is open and makes off with cheese Doritos.
The seagull, nicknamed Sam, has now become so popular that locals have started paying for his crisps....
4 hours ago
I want to say that you'd have to be a bird brain or a shithawk to eat Doritos of any flavor, but that's just how I feel about Doritos, so I won't say it.
My sediments exactly, dal. But seagulls aren't all that fussy, so perhaps Doritos are a step up from stale crusts and used chewing gum....
That is a sweet story.
(I like Doritos!)
my blog is about crap while yours is about cute shit liek seagulls...who i like and support. :D
evereyone else...you havent seen a thing. shh.
I read that - isn't it too fun! Clever bird.
Hell if I'm going to admit liking Doritos, especially free ones, now.
Some clever person probably has him trained. Someonje who survives off Doritos.
Haha, I saw this on the news and laughed my head off! Yuk on the Doritos, though!
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