...at least until next Tuesday. A mere twelve hours from now I'll be on the freeway, making my way to the parking service to drop off the car before getting on that plane for Newark....
By remarkable coincidence, I heard the story of the guy infected with some particularly nasty form of TB who took two flights while infected as I was printing out my boarding pass. Really makes me excited about ten hours total cooped up in airplanes, Jim.
So does the weather forecast for Greenwich: Friday 84/62, Saturday and Sunday 81/62, all with a chance of thunderstorms. Perfect weather to be outside while all dressed up. At least if it rains no one will notice how much I'm sweating in the humid air.
Of course I don't have a suitable umbrella. I have two, but both are oversized and have corporate logos on them. I love 'em both, but neither will fit in my bag.
Everything's ready, sort of. I have my camera gear checked out and picked up fresh film today. (Yes, I still use film for "professional" work. I will, however, also have my digi happy-snap along for interesting/fun stuff.)
What's not ready? Me. Even though all the details and schedules are falling together nicely, there are a couple of major question marks that, if the answers aren't the ones I want, could screw up the whole deal.
I remain cautiously optimistic. Very cautiously. At least I'll make enough money to cover expenses and even show a tiny profit.
Au revoir, fellow babies.
3 days ago
Have a great trip, Scribbs! I hope it's a success for you.
Eeeew. I read that TB story as well. Horrid.
Film? What's that?
Travel safely! I hope all goes well and profitably.
Joan -- "film" is what you use if you're (a) a geezer who has been using it for 50 years and knows what to expect when the shutter fires (b) still find it preferable to digital for color and (c) are too damn cheap to give up a camera outfit that cost $3.5K 17 years ago in favor of something that would cost more for the same results.
Have a wonderful trip, MrS!
Just do a lot of coughing. Be suspicious of those who then fail to give you a wide berth. If TSA wouldn't take it, I'd say spray them down with lysol. Maybe just throw a large garbage bag over them.
You'll have a worthwhile adventure no matter what goes on.
That TB incident is scary. However, it's only contageous if you inhale some of the wee beasties into your lungs, so just sit there quietly and hold your breath. :)
I like lowandslow's comment. Picturing you turning blue.
Just wear a SARS mask like that guy's buxom wife and you'll be all set.
You should probably wear one anyway if you're going to Newark.
Best of luck on your trip.
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