...but the complete text of the previous and now-deleted entry didn't "publish."
I'm new here. It's easy to screw up when you don't know the territory yet.
I did have something to say, had a point to make that was not made in the former half-a-post.
Another attempt will be coming up later on.
Right now, I need to make some tea and settle down to some paying work. So I'll just wish all y'all a "Happy Easter" and come back later....
3 days ago
hi mrscribbler! blogger is pretty powerful too. i just wished they had a few extra features like catagories and such. i've had my blog for about three years now..
Thankfully Blogger isnt QUITE as mean as JS and you can hit the back browser to get to it, but weird things do happen. I find that either copying it all just in case works.
Dave write his stuff in Word and then pastes it in because he has lost more entries than beers I have consumed.
I did my latest entry in WordPerfect and did a cut&paste...I'll do that for all long entries from now on....
Dave has lost more entries than you've consumed beers? How is this possible? *snickers*
ooh...I always always copy it and then balete it after its saved.
cut n paste scares me.
Scribs, there are many things that defy explanation, and that is one.
The world may never know.
I could also be exaggerating.
The world may never know.
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