...but I did managed to complete my unfinished article this morning -- which ballooned up to 1700 words from the promised 1500 -- without having to stop to wrench off my head and look for damage inside.
Since tomorrow is the "holiday" for Veteran's Day (the government won't rest until its employees have 350 paid holidays a year, you know) I don't have to send it off until Tuesday morning. That gives me time to take another read or two and decide what it's all about.
It's "cold" here. I know 61 degrees would make some of you strip down to shorts and t-shirts and gambol around outside, but hey, it's plenty chilly for here, especially with the wind coming off the ocean and vague threats of later rain. I will soon head out for a walk, but with little enthusiasm. I could easily be dissuaded by someone soft and sweet with whom to curl up in a blanket...which means I'll be going for a walk.
I'm curious: If Juan Carlos, the King of Spain, can tell that miserable shitweasel Hugo Chavez to "shut up" when he operates his mouth before putting his brain in gear, why does no one in our government have the cojones to do the same? Seems like the ideal way to nip some of the world's bigger jackasses in the bud, if you ask me. Treat Mahmoud the Mad of Iran, Russia's "Poot" Putin and similar loudmouths like the uncouth five-year-olds they are, and maybe they'd simply fade away.
And, regarding Veteran's Day, which is set aside to honor those who have served, fought and, in too many instances, died for this country, I have only one thing to say: What you, or I, or George Bush or Hillary Clinton think of the wars they fought means absolutely nothing. They made the sacrifices; we did not.
I salute and honor every last of of them.
Time to stretch my legs, then get back to work.
Some holiday.
Shut up, Scribbler.
2 days ago
am glad you got the article finished Mr Scribs. Enjoy your walk, I would love 61 degrees!!! come to England and enjoy the walk in the wind and rain...
Yeah, I'd like to see 61° here until March, and then it could warm up.
Something that I didn't mention in my blog about rememberance is that I recognize all who fought, not just Canadians.
Good point, dal. It's natural, I think, to focus on those from one's own country who served, but that doesn't minimize the sacrifices made by those of many nations.
Your last line made me laugh. Don't be so hard on yourself!
"Amen" to that big Thank You to all our veterans! :)
Juan Carlos rocks. That should earn him next year's Peace Prize. Smart diplomats would not only tell Chavez to sut up but back hand him across the face while doing so. That would really guarantee the prize.
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