No, that's a lie. I have a lot to say, but it just doesn't seem to be getting from brain to fingertips. It's all swirling around in my head like thick porridge in a blender. As if anyone would put porridge in a blender.
I really want to write about several things that are bugging me, but the idea of exposing my ignorance about women, government, and everyday reality has no appeal.
Being an idiot about government makes me no different than those in government -- or than 98.6% of the general public, comes to that -- so that's a relatively minor annoyance. Likewise, a certain distance between me and reality is not necessarily bad; it may be one of the few things that has kept me around for so many years.
But my lack of knowledge about females -- particularly as they relate to men -- is what has kept me single for too many years. They simply don't operate the way I was taught to believe.
That all probably has to do with what Mrs Eddy used to call "malicious animal magnetism."
Since I'm feeling both grouchy and stupid tonight, that makes this a great place to stop.
23 hours ago
quote:But my lack of knowledge about females -- particularly as they relate to men -- is what has kept me single for too many years. They simply don't operate the way I was taught to believe.
hey....ALL of us males suffer from this malady!!!!!!!
Is it ok if I sit on the bench with you? I don't understand me either at times. See, you males lukc out BIG time- NO hormones and wild emo coaster rides.
What was God thinking?? I plan on asking AND getting an answer someday :)
Int, honey -- you think we male-types aren't seething with chemical strangeness?
Bud -- Some guys (the lucky ones and those with 10-inch, ummm, bank accounts) seem to score just fine. They must have a gene I didn't inherit.
It's easy, females are sugar and spice and everything nice.
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