It's difficult to count the neat rows of back-to-back cottages from the street, but most if not all appear to remain, are maintained and lived in...

Unfortunately, they are tiny and therefore unsuitable for someone who works at home. That's the only thing keeping me from getting on the waiting list for one....

I like those little cottages. I would love to see what they look like inside.
Roz -- I've seen the insides, though I couldn't get any pix. Hardwood floors, plaster walls, built-in shelves...they are exquisite.
sounds nice and comfy!! perfect for a bird's nest heehee
Birdie -- your "loaned" kitty would have lots of friends, too!
Oh, those are so much better than the stucco-palaces. Those are just right. I mean, look at how sweet and casual and comfy they are! Doesn't that look more fitting of the quiet, soft, slightly shabby Southern California coast-line (pre-development, of course)? They remind me of pictures of my mom with her family on vacation at their seashore cottage.
amnesiacmemoirs -- and they're just thirty seconds' walk from the park and the water (thanks to the miracle of land collapsing into the ocean).
Just for you (and me, and anyone else who cares), I'm posting a photo of yet another dandy cottage from the 1920s that has survived....
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