...stripped of its status as a planet by a bunch of literal-minded astronomy geeks.
I know how the poor thing feels, Jim.
Apparently, one of the reasons for Pluto's demotion to "dwarf planet" has to do with its orbit, which crosses that of Neptune, which is a "real" planet. If you're a planet, you have your own orbit around the sun, and aren't subject the the gravitational pull of any other space-borne body.
Just like poor Pluto, my orbit crossed that of a heavenly body, with catastrophic results.
Nothing's ever the same after that.
If Pluto was a living thing, it would no doubt blush and hide its head in shame.
I'm just happy that my fall from celestial grace was witnessed by a much smaller audience, and that no textbooks will have to be rewritten to reflect my downgraded status.
12 hours ago
That is bullshit about Pluto. It is more powerful than you think ...
It may be bullshit, bingopajama, but it's official bullshit!
No one likes having their status reduced.
It doesn't care.
No planet tax now. It may be in the better category if celestial politics follow that of the earth.
How do you know it doesn't care, HarpO? For all we can determine, it may simply be good at hiding its feelings....
I couldnt beleive it when I read it this morning at work. How can "they" just decide....opps too bad, you lose? Grrr... the world will never be the same :(
Int -- at least that world will never be the same....
No amount od postulating by 21 bigots is going to change what th ecommon man beleives about Pluto it is still a planet in my eyes
It's a plot by the astrology book publishers, I tell you!
Just think of all the ephermeri that will have to be purchased, new natal charts, etc.
Bil-l-l-l-llions and bil-l-l-l-l-llions of dollars to be made here!
so now we know why all the horoscopes were wrong all these years!! we've been lied to! ... well, that's nothing new....
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