...because the dumb bastards are making it possible for me to not write about the miserable night I had last night, and the worse day that followed.
I mean, who can compete with Barack Obama, The Messiah (whom Teddy Kennedy once called "Obama Osama" in one of his daily drunken moments), the man who has excited religious fervor among his followers without saying a damn thing?
Or Hillary (the weeper) Clinton, who finally seems destined to be cast into the obscurity she and her disgusting husband so richly deserve by a charming black dude with one year of experience in the U.S. Senate?
Caroline Kennedy, who was as I recall all of three years old when her daddy was assassinated, compares Obama to JFK. One difference: while he was getting down with various not-his-wife women and hanging with celebs, the elder Kennedy at least had some eight years of national political experience under his belt. Yes, he caved to Castro and the Russians in Cuba, but what the heck? Everyone's entitled to a mistake here and there.... Never mind that crooked ol' Lyndon Johnson came in afterward to pass all the "Kennedy legacy" legislation JFK (and, for that matter, Dr King) couldn't manage.
History seems destined to repeat itself. We are soon to be blessed with a president whose image and oratorical skills far outweigh substance. Obama brings unsubstantiated "hope" to the people. Forget that his eager Latina supporters in one of his Texas headquarters hung a Cuban flag (with a portrait of Che Guevara superimposed) right next to their Obama poster. Forget that he says nothing of any substance, has never done anything of substance....
PARENTHETICAL I-DON'T-KNOW-NOTHIN'-ABOUT-NO-INTERNET NOTE: You can see the image mentioned here. I wasn't able to copy it directly....
Please don't think I am some rabid right-winger because I think Obama and Ms Clinton deserve to be cast into the dustbin of history as soon as possible. Never mind that they are hideous socialist cretins who will drive the country into financial disaster, throw the borders open to a horde of welfare-sucking illegals and will offer "free" health-care and other giveaways to all those who "deserve" it (i.e. support them) while sucking up to terrorists.
The Republican choice is almost as bad.
The really sad aspect of American politics these days is that it involves, regardless of party affiliation, pandering.
If you are downtrodden (at least in your own mind) and you feel it's time to Screw The Rich, the Democrats are there for you. If you are part of Big Business, and want a free pass to rip off everyone else in the name of Profit, you have to go with the Republicans.
There is no middle ground any longer.
For a short time, I thought Ron Paul might be the answer. But he turned out to be a deluded and demented crackpot, too.
If you ask me -- and no one does, of course -- what this country needs is a reincarnation of Theodore Roosevelt, with a healthy dose of Abraham Lincoln and the later Barry Goldwater mixed in.
It would take someone with those traits to repair the damage George Bush has done, and save us from the destruction Obama or Clinton seem eager to wreak upon our poor country.
In a way, I'm almost hoping that the prophecy of last night's dreams will come true, and I won't be around to see what today's hideous losers in the political arena can do to destroy the country I was brought up to cherish.
It was inevitable, I guess. The age of greatness is over. And now, all we have left are pygmies.
Your problem, people. I don't expect to be here to suffer through the inevitable destruction.
5 hours ago
This is the most depressing choice for president we've ever had. We were talking about it last night and Paul said this would probably be his last election (I hope not) and it has to be like this. There is NO ONE we want to vote for. It's like the worst of the worst. I kind of liked Romney but not that much.
Oh well, unfortunately there's really nothing we can do about it.
I do NOT like the undertones of those last two sentences!!!!
Somehow Obama rubs me the wrong way! I think he's just using his so-called charm (I think he's ugly) like a prophet. I think people are just hungry for a change from the damages of the last years. Where ARE all the politicians in congress who could have done a better job? Why are THEY running in order to salvage the country? Or are they all just in politics for the prestige?
I think the whole voting system must change so that it doesn't require tons of money to carry a campaign and that someone with brains can run....
Dead on, Scribbs. I trust none of them.
"Brick" Obama (as I call him) really scares me. He has such great oratorical skills people just fawn all over him, yet he says very little of consequence. "Let's all pull together to change the world, so we can all just get along, help all mankind, and the little critters, too, blah, blah." What a crock. And HE MIGHT JUST WIN! Ugh!
I meant to say "Why AREN'T they running..... sorry, was too early in the morning *wink*
and I agree with Lowandslow... I'm really scared about America's future....
"If you ask me -- and no one does, of course -- what this country needs is a reincarnation of Theodore Roosevelt, with a healthy dose of Abraham Lincoln and the later Barry Goldwater mixed in."
Nope, what the country needs is God, mixed with Allah and a bit of Buddha thrown in for good measure.
*puts on Southern Reverend voice*
What this country needs is a religious cleansing!!!
Have I made my point without offending about 10 minorities, and about 100 million people?
Maryjane -- A lot of people offend easily. I'm not one of them.
I'm all for religion. I'm pleased when politicians have a true religious base to guide their actions (with a few reservations).
I'm 100% against having religion co-opted by politicians. When people legitimately need government help, they do not need to know politicians are "praying for them."
And they do not need politicians who use personal religious convictions to establish law that governs activities that government has no business being involved in.
"I'm 100% against having religion co-opted by politicians. When people legitimately need government help, they do not need to know politicians are "praying for them."
And they do not need politicians who use personal religious convictions to establish law that governs activities that government has no business being involved in."
Right there with you.
I started thinking about the Sharia Law drama that is going on now.
Can't you see me now? Staying at home all day cooking and cleaning and minding the babies? Never leaving the house alone again, longing for the day where I can work an honest 9 to 5?
Religion has no place in the laws of a country...especially when a country has many people from different creeds, races and religions/beliefs.
While I am a very spiritual person and I believe in God, I don't think a politician's platform or credentials should include their religion.
One day remind me to tell you about the last election in my country and the candidate that campaigned using her religion (an apparent decree and endorsement from God) and her "love for the people".
She lost.
Maryjane -- People like you (that is women, with ambitions and talents are one of the most compelling reasons why religious law based on centuries-old precepts and -- dare I say it -- faulty thinking need to be relegated to the past.
It's not just Islam, but from my perspective their laws are the most repressive and unforgiving.
That's why I believe so strongly in the second paragraph of my comment that you cited.
It used to be that the president could only do so much. It is still that way to a point. Oddly, it is people like Hillary who behind the scenes have helped set the stage that would lead to martial law dictatorship at the drop of a hat.
Given a choice between Obama or Hillary vs McCain, I doubt I will vote. It is a case where no vote is more of a reflection of my view than adding to the spin that some police stater has a "mandate".
It seems over 50% are voting based on sex or race which has no place in the mix. Which socialist do you want? A B or C? none of the above.
"Maryjane -- People like you (that is women, with ambitions and talents are one of the most compelling reasons why religious law based on centuries-old precepts and -- dare I say it -- faulty thinking need to be relegated to the past."
You flatter me, dear.
*continues to blush and bat eye lashes*
Oops, did I just set the feminist movement back by 40 years with that batting of the eyes lashes?
Maryjane -- I'm the wrong person to ask about the "feminist movement."
A strong, smart woman who can still bat the eyelashes has it ALL going on, if you ask me. When a woman can earn her spot in the world and still play, I'm 100% for her!
I may not be P.C., but I know good people when I see 'em. You're on the list.
(Which is no invitation for dudes to bat their eyelashes at me....)
And where, pray tell, would you be if not here to witness??
Politics are depressing. There IS no good choice, and voting for the lesser of evils is no way to elect a president
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