Sadly, clouds are moving through and the air is hazy. I fired off a number of photos, and this is the only one that was worth bothering to look at.
And it's none too good....
Maybe someone will get a good shot of the next one. In 2010.
PARENTHETICAL ASTRONOMICAL NOTE: Yes, that little white blob in the lower left is a genuine, zillions-of-miles-away star. It moved during the long exposure. They do that.
Pretty wasn't it?
I missed it. :(
So thanks for posting your beautiful shot of it. It makes me a little happier knowing you got to see it.
Perhaps that smudge is jupiter (or saturn?). One or two of the planets were supposed to be near the moon tonight.
Maryjane -- Sure was! Hope you had better viewing conditions...I was going to take an update photo, but the clouds have moved in....
KIT -- That might be. It was very bright for a star, especially considering the atmospheric conditions.
Good one, Scribs. I thought it would be cloudy, so I forgot to go outside. :(
I couldn't get a good shot. Yours is much more detailed. I wish my Elph wasn't in need of repair, it would have done a better job.
emd -- It was cloudy! I got lucky...there was a five-minute break where the sky was just clear enough to see and shoot.
we had 2 weeks of clear skies, but this morning, of course, it was foggy.... so, no view for me :-(
Beautiful. I went outside to see it, but it was totally overcast here. :(
You have a very nice camera to go along with that great photographer!
Mr. S., I've just read 2 months worth of your blog and wanted to say, of COURSE I'd want to read your blog (it's going in my favorites), tho I'm very sorry the editors don't have more integrity about paying.
What you write about your field rings a bell: back in about '81, I took in a retiring female writer for a week, while she was transitioning to her new lodgings. Her laments echoed yours.
More than once lately, I've been reminded of Toeffler's "Future Shock" (which I never read, but only skimmed, but the title says everything, it seems to me).
PS: I love your coon pic! There's a whole commune of them living under my roof. I didn't know just which type of animal they were till one night I scouted them out as they all ran into the back yard. The light from my flashlight made their eyes Halloween-glow just like your li'l guy.
Coons are some of my favorite critters, but they are so durn NOIIIIIsy and late at night to boot! {Thumbs Down}
whimsicalmadcap -- If anything, I have toned down the truth a bit. I understand that people with "real" jobs can't understand how vulnerable freelancers are to the whims/attitudes of others. It ain't pretty....
I loved this raccoon pic when I took it, and I enjoy watching the critters playing in the local park at night. Besides, he's much better looking than I am!
Yes, I remember from several posts your saying that you weren't laying out the whole story. A verse from Psalms kept surfacing in my mind: "When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" But you just keep holding fast to your integrity, Sir. Its our most precious earthly possession.
Wishing we your audience could somehow lighten your load,
Good shot. Since it was overcast here, I'm glad you and some others were able to post pics. Yours came out as sharp as I've seen. It's cool to see what you saw there, what Net viewed from his Canadian compound, etc.
Harpofly---comment sign in acting up again
What a beautiful shot. We couldn't see it because of the clouds. Paula called and told us to go and look but all we could see was a glow where the moon was.
I wish I saw it, but I was sleeping. How sad.
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