...and what I have long feared will apparently come to pass.
My landlord told me today he is leaning toward booting me out of my place.
I can't blame him. I owe him money, and all the explanations, all the good intentions in the world don't put the money in his pocket if people aren't paying me.
Haven't heard from the two people I talked with yesterday. I thought I might. But then, I can't blame them either. Both have busy schedules, both are enormously successful and they didn't get there by spending time on other peoples' problems.
There is no place I can go, no money to get me in another place. Hell, as matters stand, I wouldn't rent to me right now.
With no place to live, I will have no way to work.
The circle closes.
I am going to pay for every mistake I have ever made. Unfortunately, I won't be able to pay in cash.
It's been, well, an interesting life.
A different one, no doubt shorter and much more uncomfortable, is about to begin.
I'm afraid; I admit it. More frightened than I can possibly tell you.
10 hours ago
Wow...will commit you and this to prayer...Loupy
Dreadful. SO sad.
I will keep hoping something good comes your way Mr. S~
No way to just tell those guys your situation?
I've sent you some PM's, I hope you can find some time to read them. I am very concerned about you and there are many people on JS that are just as worried. You need to know that there are many people that want to help you in a palpible way - and that is sincere. I will do whatever I can within my ability to help you out. You are loved and I hope that counts for something.
This saddens me. Big prayers said for you. Summerwind
Oh no ((MrS)), I didn't know that things were this bad. I'm so sorry. I wish I was rich, I would send you a bunch of money but you know our situation. I hope our JS family can come together and help you out. I can't stand seeing this happen to you. :(
I know you probably wouldn't want to leave California but we have a beautiful place upstairs that you're welcome to if you need somewhere to stay for as long as you want.
I'm praying for you Scribby, and I believe that good things will come out of this and that you will make it through however it may look at the moment.
Remember that you are not your mistakes, and that even though it seems as though there is no light at the end of the tunnel, one will come. It may not happen exactly how you had hoped, but the sun will shine again.
You are definitley loved. I'm praying for you, and your situation and I will do what I can to help.
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