According to our local newsrag, there is a need to build "fish ladders" to allow salmon to get over/around dams in Northern California.
After I took a moment to smile at the images a "fish ladder" can generate, I realized that I wish someone would build something similar for me.
A dam is, after all, nothing more than an oversized wall, and I feel as if I have one of those planted square in my path. There's no ladder that I can see to get me over its peak.
Salmon-like, I've made my way upstream against some pretty strong currents. But this is one big wall.
There are certain things people cannot do alone, and I seem to be stuck against one.
2 days ago
I feel the same way you do Mr! Lol
Teach a man to ladder and he'll ladder all day. Right?
You've had a much higher wall to climb, dear Anne. We're all so happy you're back with us....
I suppose if you give a man a ladder he'll expect you to climb it for him!
Maybe a jetpack would be better than a ladder. Do it ballistically, like being shot from a cannon, but better. Strap that pack on and fire 'er up.
Worry about the landing when you get there.
With my luck, HarpO, I'd land on my head. Actually, that might be a good least I wouldn't hurt anything vital that way....
Maybe you should just walk around the wall.
Fish ladders are useful, but fish bladders, on the other hand, are full of fish pee and not at all useful.
And now, back to our regular lyhzoguh.
Wish I could, seems to have an even higher wall on each side of it.
That's why I don't swim in the ocean, nbaojwx in it!
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