Yes, our former president, Bill "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton, is mightily upset that people think he was a wee bit lax in his handling of terrorists...
Of course he had ten years to sock it to Osama bin Laden. He had plenty of opportunity to lay down some heavy retribution for several terrorist attacks that happened while he was smokin' cigars in the Oval Office, too. Unfortunately, he had other things on his mind....
But I'm sure the army of Clintonistas will rejoice at his spirited defense of himself. They don't care about the truth any more than he does.
Especially when it concerns yet another of his many failures.
3 days ago
Of course, the media likes to leave those little tidbits out, hoping everyone will forget that, and make him look like a past-presidential god, in the hopes his wife will also take the position in the near coming future. In fact, I saw an "article", if you can call it that, yesterday on AOL lauding him about how much more good he has done since leaving the oval office in raising billions of dollars.
Really, what DO we have to look forward to for the next president?
Clinton is an idiot he did more to help the terorists then any previous president ever did.
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