...and I cannot believe he is rational. His world view is so far from reality as to border on delusional.
He is promoting some twisted notion of "bringing democracy to the Middle East," as if tens of millions of suffering Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians, Saudis and others had personally begged him to come to their aid. As if the United States is somehow responsible for making these countries "free."
We have to do this? What about them? Let them build their own nations in the form they want, and if we can help in some way after they have proven that they can carry at least most of their own load, that is a different matter.
He has once again flat-out distorted the truth when he talks about "pursuing terrorists and those who harbor them." If he really meant that, we would have long ago lowered the boom on Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran. Instead, we call the first two nations "partners in the war on terror," and pursue "diplomacy" while the third develops nuclear weapons.
This is the same man who babbles about "securing our borders" while he continues to advocate allowing illegals to flow unimpeded across the same borders.
The number of Americans who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan during the "war on terror" is rapidly closing in on the number of innocents killed on 9/11/01. The more than $300 billion dribbled away into the desert sands would have rebuilt the World Trade Center several times over.
Saddam Hussein was a "threat we could not ignore?" Fine. Bush should have sent in a hit team to off him.
This may be George Bush's "Ideological struggle for the 21st Century," but it is not mine. Nor, I believe, is it that of most Americans.
The true "ideological struggle" is to free the United States of the hermetically sealed culture of self-righteousness, political opportunism, divisiveness and greed in Washington. It is to make this nation secure. It is to move decisively and forcefully against any genuine threat we face, to reply to any attack in a way that will dissuade others from attacking.
A "free, democratic society" already exists in the Middle East. It is called Israel. In recent months, Bush has shown that he does not have the moral courage to stand by them, was willing to abandon them to the mercies of the corrupt, useless United Nations in the name of "diplomacy."
I repeat: the man is not rational.
In a perfect world, I would welcome the elections of 2006 and 2008 as a means to root out the lunacy that prevails in our capital.
Unfortunately, the alternatives we have to choose from would not be any better. They are motivated by ideologies equally reprehensible, inflexible and unrealistic. Bush's sins of commission would be replaced by sins of omission, and vice versa.
I do not believe the best course of action after 9/11 would have been to take no action, to talk, pass resolutions and negotiate with a very real enemy.
But neither do I believe that the attacks on our country justify wanton military adventures against people we don't like.
If this is indeed a "war on terror," then let us fight it like a war. And win.
If it is a battle to bring "democracy" to the "moms and dads of the Middle East," let us bring it to an immediate end. That is not our battle. It is not working, will not work.
My only hope is that the American people will eventually come to their senses, and realize that neither the administration nor the opposition are even remotely qualified to lead this nation.
I hope we can find sensible leaders before it is too late to clean up the hideous mess our current crop of politicians has made.
23 hours ago
You do good rants.
The only way is when people will vote for third party alternatives instead of voting for what they consider lesser of two evils. It's like voting between syphilis and herpes.
Why vote for either? Neither one is something I would want.
I agree, I don't think he's sincere, either. ((hugs)) from Sunny
Sunny -- I think he's sincere, just irrational. One can be sincere and misguided at the same time.
I need to rewrite my opening line. I don't really doubt his belief in what he said.
I can't bear watching the man speak anymore. It's too painful. The cringe factor is too high - like a Woody Allen movie.
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