...to change the lunacy planned by this group, working hand-in-hand with George Bush and our corrupt Congress -- all apparently bought and paid for by Mexico and "global" businesses that are draining money and jobs away from the U.S.A. -- into something a little more sensible.
Their idea is a "superhighway" to allow Mexican and Asian goods -- plus the occasional terrorist group and their weapons -- free access to this country. Apparently, it is the next best thing to a done deal; the bribes must have been gargantuan indeed to get politcians to sell out their own people so completely.
Just what we need: Mexican truckers carrying goods made by slave-wage workers in Mexico and Asia into the U.S. to sell to people whose livelihoods are being destroyed as factories close here.
Since Bush and the rest of the "open borders" crowd seem dead-set on their evil agenda, I offer a slightly revised map of what the "superhighway" should look like:
The simple addition of the "American Canal" (shown in a slightly darker blue than the oceans it connects), a deep, 100-mile-wide body of water between the U.S.A. and Mexico, will not only save us untold millions in border-enforcement costs, but will reduce travel time for ships transiting between Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, thus reducing fuel use and pollution.
The extra expenditure of time and money needed to send Mexican-made goods across the canal via ship may help reduce the cost advantage of manufacturing south of the border as well. And it will end forever the nonsense that any part of the United States "belongs" to Mexico.
Obviously, the building of so large a canal would be enormously expensive. We'd have to end the current practice of allowing Congress to waste our money on "Bridges to Nowhere," freebies for illegal aliens and other mad schemes.
Actually, if the Canal is built there will be no need for the "NASCO Corridor," so we can use the money that would have been p*ss*d away on that, too.
It's a "win-win" idea!
4 hours ago
Glad you picked this up Scrib. The more exposure, the better :)
So instead of climbing electrified fences, the aliens can drown in the "canal" trying to get in? LOL.
The whole thing is evil with a captial E. Makes me want to move to England.
I would hope no one drowns, Int. But I do think seeing nothing but water between themselves and the U.S. might slow them down a bit....
Ha ha. Move to England, and buy a license to use a TV or radio, secuity cameras on nearly every corner, pay twice for fuel as you do now, plus they really have functioning terrorists over there. And, electronic ID is coming.
You were just joking, rqrxs?
Well I won't go to Canada becuase, duh, they are part of NAFTA also.
I would go to my home country of Greece but they are in the EU and I am against that also. So, England seems a safe bet. There are cameras here too Net, at the stoplights ;)
I'm not afraid of terrorism. When anthrax was threatened to be put in the water I said , "bring it on." Plus I have a water filtration system that filters out the particles. Anyways..... if its my time togo then so be it. Just put a bullet in my head so I go quickly.
Int may have been joking about England; I'm just looking for ways to make this country right, dal.
I too love England, I admit, but their government seems to be just as kpdsfru as ours in many ways.
Sadly and with a good amount of confidence, without using swear words...WE ARE SCREWED.
C'mon blokes let's crpss the Atlantic and party it up in jolly 'ol England :)
Int -- maybe when The Bearded One finally takes a dive, we can all move to Cuba and turn it into a tropical paradise!
That's good stuff you did here, MrScribbler :) Sunny711
Thanks, Sunny! Now all we have to do is convince the fools in Washington that they should look out for us once in a while....
If you build the canal you will be taking all of th efun out of climbing those nice electric fences but then maybe you could fill the canal with African Crocs I beleiev they are a hungry bunch.
Hmmm, I was thinking maybe that super highway can simply span America, but have no exits. Drop the other end off in Canada and let THEM deal with all of this mess.
I didn't know anything about this until I just read it on your journal here, quite unbelievable. How much money is this super highway going to cost us, just to build the damn thing, and how much of our livlihood is going to go even further south of the border?
BenB -- there are so many things the evil bastards in Washington DC do that are, for whatever reason, not publicized. This is only one of them. And the politicians love it that way.
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