The temperature is in the mid-80s, the humidity is unbearable, and Tropical Storm John -- all things considered, better it should have been called Juan -- is pushing more moisture this way from Mexico. Thunderstorms are predicted for Monday and Tuesday.
Not my favorite weather conditions. And I'm in the ideal mood to not appreciate them.
He looks like he is thinking, now if I could just get over this wall. You wonder would he be free and have fun.
Based on what I've seen of his reactions to people who get close to his fence and wall, I think if he was free he'd get his fun biting anyone who got within range....
temps got to 100° down here today... and looking at those clouds over toward the desert... nope, don't want to visit Borrego at the moment...darn!
Awww, the doggie looks like he wants to jump in the ocean but is stopped by that high wall. Stay safe in that hurricane, MrScribbler. Hunker down and bring in your cats.
((hugs)) from Sunny
The hurricane won't get anywhere near here, Sunny...just the humidity, unsettled conditions (such as thunderstorms) and maybe some high surf.
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