Duane "Dog" Chapman, a bounty hunter...

...was arrested in Hawaii and faces extradition to Mexico. Chapman's crime is that he went into Mexico and retrieved a convicted rapist, one Andrew Luster, who had jumped bail and fled to safety there.
This upset the Mexican government.
Of course this is the same Mexican government that will not turn over one of its citizens who is believed to have shot and killed a Los Angeles Sheriff in cold blood. The evidence appears to be indisputable, yet the Mexicans refuse to send the suspect here for trial. Yes, they said they would, but somehow they just haven't found time to get around to it, more than six months after agreeing to ship him back.
A strange reaction. Does "Luster" sound like a Mexican name to you?
Chapman went into Mexico to collar a convicted criminal. Such low-lifes have it pretty good in Mexico, as long as they have enough money for la mordida.
I, for one, am sick of Mexico -- and its citizens, including the lawbreakers -- getting preferntial treatment from our government, and every request that the slimeball politicians South of the Border make being instantly fulfilled.
It's time for a change in our government's attitudes.
I only hope common sense and decency will somehow appear and Chapman will be freed before he becomes a victim of the rampant corruption above and below the border.
Ther eis a lot to be said for Governemnt hit squads which go in and do the right thing to criminals which the government cannot otherwise lay there hands on
V drunk at a party on a saturday noight. Come over the visit OZ. We'll have fun and get drunk. Hyugs to you my fave scrib. Kim
The FBI, I think, once nabbed an American born, Canadian resident and/or citizen on Canadian soil and took him to the US. I believe he was returned to Canada after the Canadian gov't pointed out that the FBI had no jurisdiction, and they frowned on their residents being kidnapped.
It looks like "Dog" is the victim (not really, in my opinion) of a selectively enforced law, which he did break. You just can't go waltzing into another country and extract people without that government's approval, no matter how infuriating that may be.
Have you started your Spanish lessons yet, Scribbs?
Yesterday, I was at a truck stop. A Mexican was standing in front of me at the cashier. He had a shirt on saying all kinds of bs about how wonderful Mexicans are, that Mexicans aren't white, they aren't Latinos, on and on. Then, at the bottom, is said something like "Mexicans are indigenous people, white people are not. White people are on OUR land, not Mexicans on white people's land".
Of course, me being who I am, I had to say something to this illegal alien. There were actually 3 of them in front of me, I made a rather crude commment about the shirt. In fact, I dissed the shirt, and the statements on it, greatly.
Well, as usual, nothing happened. I guess their mouths are bigger than their fists......
One more reason to move to Bali and take up raising orchids for a living, I suppose...
dal -- si, amigo.
dal, I have to add that I oppose breaking any country's laws, but Mexico refuses to play by the rules, and our government will never pressure them to do what's right.
Therefore, I'm with the "Dog." If we're going to apply the laws in this area, he's about 1500th on the list to be punished.
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