That's right...Hobbes insists on having his picture posted whenever I show some other feline...*

Actually, this is for Anne, a dear friend who is having health problems right now. I know she loves cats, and both Hobbes and I are wishing her the very best.
Get well soon. Anne. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
*What he really insists on is being fed, but I know he'd love to have Anne (or some equally sweet lady) around to add to the amount of affection he gets from me....
Have I ever mentioned that I love tabbies (Barq notwithstanding)? Tabbies just have that je ne pbnye that the others don't.
Hobbes is a wonderful cat...even if he sometimes acts like a vqrod.
Great pic of your cat.
Thanks, gillardia...I keep trying, but I haven't yet taken a pic that shows him as handsome as he really is!
Thank you for posting hobbes the cat. I'm sure that Frank and Buck would love to meet him. I'm sending the photo to Anne to put with her collection.
You're a good man.
Sarah -- since Frank and Buck are Anne's cats, I'm sure he'd welcome them. Ummm, wait...would they want to eat his food?
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