It's 32 degrees here....
The electricity providers are yapping about the possibility of "rolling blackouts" because people are using too damn much juice. Funny thing is, no one is saying that one of the reasons California -- specifically Southern California -- is consuming so much electricity is that there are too damn many people here. That's also the reason we have trouble with water, trash disposal, traffic, and on and on and on....
I'm doing my part. All I'm using are the fans and the computer. That's not to say I wouldn't have the air conditioning on -- and set to an antisocial 70 degrees -- if indeed I had a/c.
While I'm on my soapbox -- heat and other frustrations make me very cranky -- I read this morning that John Kerry is claiming there wouldn't be a war in the Middle East right now if he was president.
You know what? For the first time I can recall, I actually agree with him. But he wouldn't like what I think would have happened instead if he had won....
I have news for him. The war wouldn't be going on if I was president, either.
I think that arrogant and just plain stupid statement puts Kerry in line for this week's Tinfoil Hat Award.
3 days ago
32 degrees is cold, or is that the other way to read it? Just had to give you crap.
Roz -- it's now 34 (at 1541 local). 50 kilometers from here, it's even hotter!
SoCal has amazingly warm winters. I can't believe that there are blackouts in the US. I heard about the NY ones as well.
Hey, atleast it isn't 100+ F ;)
joy -- St Louis is having blackout problems too.
With the humidity added (what the weather people call the "heat index") it's close to 100 here....
I never heard of a Tinfoil Hat Award! LOL! Did you make that one up?
From Countryside
countryside -- I made it up...I'm sure I'll be handing 'em out from time to time. Not only do I get cranky when it's hot, but weird as well....
Kelly -- you remember the Iraq war votes when Big John was "for it before he was against it," I'm sure. At least he is consistent in his hypocritical inconsistency....
At 6:47 pm, it's still 109 degrees. The evap cooler brings it down - high 80's now. VERY high 80's, feels like it's in the 90's (inside the house). And I agree: Hot temperatures make me VERY cranky and irritable. But we must be getting some stuff from you guys, or somewhere, there's rain in the forecast for the next 7 days. Oh, I forgot, it's the monsoon season here, rain doesn't come from anywhere but the mountains.
bb -- somebody is getting the rain that zooms over us here on its way east....
And our weather is now coming from the south, not the north. Illegal aliens and hot, muggy weather: thanks, Mexico!
my balcony just showed 37° C (98° F) and it's supposed to get hotter in the next day!! historical, record temps for sure! and humid!
it doesn't make me cranky, but tired... and pfkkyfv
If it's below 60, I'm cold!
Hi Mr., and thank you so much for posting the cat entrys!
You continue to ROCK!
Wonderful to see you here, Anne!
You rock, too! Get well soon!
You aren't forgetting that Kerry went to Viet Nam are you? That makes him the ultimate expert. He got himself a purple heart and went to Viet Nam, so he would do it smart, because he was in a war, in Viet Nam, purple hearts...
I'll supply the tin foil.
I believe Sadam wishes Kerry had won, too
Damn! I thought he was an idiot at election time, but this takes the cake.
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