Actually this post is strictly for kids. Also big people who know kids, have kids, or never stopped being kids....
It's time for NORAD Tracks Santa!
This has gotten progressively cooler over the years, never more so than when NORAD hooked up with Google Earth. I suppose the "official" idea is to make this an Educational Experience for the Yoots of the world, but I persist in thinking it simply makes the whole thing more fun.
At this very moment, the Big Guy is rapidly approaching Aqtobe, Kazakhstan. He'll have been there and moved on by the time you read these words.
This will be even more of a groove when Santa moves into areas for which Google Earth has the ultra high-definition imagery. Might even see him as he scoots down your chimney!
I'll be watching when he hits a few select spots, you can be sure. Including mine. Not having a chimney's a bit of a drag, though. But he can drop then lumps of coal right in the mailbox.
I kid, Santa, I kid....
I don't have a chimney, either. I can remember listening to the NORAD Santa tracking on the radio when I was a boy.
Merry Christmas, Scribs.
Merry Christmas Scribs!
Merry Christmas, Mr S! If you were here or I were there, I would make you a sweet potato pah.
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