But it's true: My county supervisors -- as big a bunch of ^%&@#!=> as you'd ever hope to find -- have declared this "no cussing" week in the county.
Ain't that a load of &%@*....
Businesses are crashing, the stock markets are tanking, the federal government and this city and county are drowning in red ink, and they're worried about people )^%#@ cussing?
I don't freekin'* believe it.
Some 15 year-old do-gooder is supposedly behind this. Guess his tender ears can't take all the nasty words out there. Or he's looking for attention. My guess is the latter.
I cussed like a sailor when I was 15, even without the benefit of the expanded Billingsgate vocabulary I now possess. So did every %@#$+"?&^#%! and (^(#&*$^!# I knew.
I don't think it hurt me. I know when to unleash a tide of profanity and when to play Mr Polite and keep my >#{@!$% mouth shut, believe me. In fact, there are times when I'm too reticent, and a strong dose of cussin' would let my listeners know I'm upset.
Or, as I would normally say when not restrained by the new measure, &!$$#) off.
Apparently, the little #%&( wants to expand the "no cussing week" idea, first to the entire state, and then beyond.
If I were his dad, I'd paddle his @$$ for coming up with such a dimwitted idea.
But I'm not, thank goodness, so as far as I'm concerned, he can go ^@ himself.
* Just so you know, "freekin' is not considered a nasty word these days and will get by almost any censor, just as the "Godfrey Daniel!" and "Mother of Pearl!" employed by the late Mr Wm C Fields got by censors in his day.
4 hours ago
No cussing week what a f#%king s*@t idea that is!
Lol; I sense a bit of hostility going on here. When people are not capable of changing a situation they want to change (read economy here) they will often concentrate on something they believe that they can change. Or maybe they really are concerned about having a more civil society?
sounds pretty pathetic to me and a violation of my civil rights. the fact that your supervisor would declare such a thing makes me think he might have an I-Q of room temperature. post the phone number of the supervisor so the rest of us can give him a call and tell him what an @ss he is.
Oh, I love Ramsey's idea!
Ramsey -- "My" Supervisor is Fat Don Knabe (please leave off the "Fat" when dealing with him!) who naturally does not invite direct contact with his constituents.
His PR flack is David Sommers, whose phone is (213) 974-1095. He can be emailed at dsommers@lacbos.org.
If you decide to make contact, tell him I think the council is a bunch of @$$"()!#$....
so, where are all those "free speech" activists now? out cussing up a storm I bet... lol
what a joke...
I've seen all this tripe on the news with the usual condescending tone of voice and nauseating comments. Is the measure going to include tickets and fines? Any time anyone tries to make everyone do or not do something it gets touted as a worthy thing. Fuquits, all of them.
mother of pearl is a fave of mine...to be said LOUD and gruff. Sugar is the word i say most when i have to avoid the mighty eff-word which i say more than i should!
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