....my links list, after the death of blog-site Journalspace. Finally.
Since Blogspot allows one to "follow" various journals, I'm doing that with some who have relocated here. When I find out how to display that -- which I understand means making changes to my template, which I am incredibly unenthusiastic about -- I will, but you know who you are anyway.
It's all very confusing and, to some extent, disheartening. I lost contact with some interesting people.
But I'll find as many as I can. I'm just kinda slow about all this computer-stuff.
3 days ago
I keep trying to do a similar thing. It seems to only show on the profile page but my so-called followers appear right out front for all to see. It is a humiliating system.
I've had better luck locating people than I expected.
It is looking unlikely I am going to start all over again anytime soon. I just don't know...I am in limbo currently.
I will keep following you so I won't lose you.
I'm pretty sure most people are moving here. And what you don't find here, are on Facebook or Wordpress. Dorries Fun Forum has a pretty decent list going. Anyone in particular you're looking for?
I decided to use the little rotating list thing. Just figured it out last night and don't have it done yet. You can put as many as you like on it but it will show the once who have updated most recently on top. You were on the top this morning.
I find that I'm following people here that I didn't on JS just because they were on JS. That's OK because I'm sure I'll meet people I should have back there.
If you're slow, then I'm glacial. If it wasn't for K I'd still have dial-up internet and a rotary phone. ;)
I'm slowly but surely finding all my old friends. They're all out there...somewhere.
I have been looking at who other people are following. I've found most of the people I followed on JS.
even I'm having problem setting up shop... I now have two lists of people I follow and neither is complete. I'll fix up your layout, but I'm afraid it won't be until I'm back in Germany :-(
In truth, I have found everybody that I can remember reading except for Kauai Finn and one other.
I simply bookmark their blog in my windows favorites and put them in a folder. I can actually go through them quicker now than before. Even when they have identical blogs on three different websites Ben.
Westy's site has been invaluable, but looking at the followers of other JSers has been very productive too.
From what I can see, JS may rise again from the almost-dead.
It's not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. It's not perfect, but it's not impossible either. We're all gonna be OK!
This is a time for new beginnings. I hope it all works out. I'm pretty stupid when it comes to configuring things. I just want to point and click. JS was pretty easy for that.
Anyway, I got you on my list, I think. ;)
Felt like posting today after a long hiatus. Was like coming home to find your house burned down. Oh well, guess I'll build a new one. aka coyoteslinks now coyoteluck
Coyoteluck -- start using it, and put one of those "follow this blog" gizmos on it if possible. Always enjoyed your stuff at JS.
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