Yes, That's an angelic trumpeter -- call it St Satchmo -- standing above the rest. I thought for a moment of digging out some vintage Louis and blasting it through concealed speakers, but decided that might not be the ticket for the season.
As this is the start of getting-Mr-S-through-the-holidays-with-sanity-intact time, I'll be looking for other lights in the nabe and posting pics. Might even go out hunting for the big street displays, too.
Can't put up any of my own. Not enough space.
I thought about tacking a sprig of mistletoe in some strategic spot, but it would be a cruel joke on me to do that....
The street that leads into the one onto which we have just moved has got the most preposterous display of lights that one has ever seen outside of a shopping mall.
One has tried, unsuccesfully, to get worthwhile photos of it, but perhaps BG will get some with her fancy new camera and tripod that we can share. Ludicrous.
That's pretty impressive, actually. More than I can say about my casa.
One house across the corner here has an LED marquis display. I'm not impressed. Maybe I'll take a photo of my crappy, wooden, Goodwill-bought ornaments later.
That's supposed to be "marquee". A Marquis should not be put on display, the weight of a full size Ford would tear down the eaves.
I plan to wear a hat with a sprig of mistletoe hooked to it like the carrot and beast of burden trick.
Actually with Satchmo's attitude, I think it would be a fitting soundtrack for the display.
I plan to do something but am waiting to see if the mountain lights up as expected. Soundtrack will be the traditional Christmas didge.
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