At first glance, I was sure this was a 30s-vintage Alfa Romeo, a car of incalculable monetary value. As it happens, it's a clever and intricately detailed replica made in England a few years ago. Impressive, to say the least, and it almost surely cost the man who commissioned it almost as much as the "real thing" would have done...
Farther down the financial food chain, this old Mercury "lead sled" grabbed my eye, if only for the brilliant copper/gold flames painted on the nose -- in contrast to the rest of the body, which was in flat black -- and the acres of chrome...
My Texas friend would probably love this Maserati "Indy" coupe, as he should...
He and his wife would find the interior plush, if a wee bit cramped...
And speaking of cramped, just looking at this sweet little Fiat X1/9 -- apparently a favorite of a Canadian friend -- and thinking about climbing in and out made my aching back muscles cramp in protest...
I have some experience with X1/9s. I had one for a week many moons ago and injudiciously used uit to take a woman out on a first date. Watching me struggle with entry and exit reduced her to such a state of hysteria that whatever else might have happened later that night didn't.
Better I should have had the Maserati. Or the Ford pickup I'm currently driving.
Wait. I take that back. There would be a choice, these days, between paying for a date and buying gas for the truck....
Heh heh. That's a sweet looking X1/9. I know they're cramped, I squeezed into one and was quite comfy once I got in. I didn't get to drive it, though. I'm not sure about the reliability, but it's one sharp looking FIAT/Bertone for the money.
Do guys still paint flames on their cars? That's so Dinah Shore...
Yes, the Maserati is a beautiful piece of Italian sculpture for sure, inside and out. I just never tire of looking at these old classics, so refreshingly different from the huge land yachts we have around here.
I have to chuckle at the mental picture of you trying to fold yourself into a X1/9. I certainly wouldn't be any more graceful. haha!
Thanks for the cool pics. :)
Oh wow. Love those red wheels!
I'll bet you stuggled on the Fiat. As I remember you are quite "tall."
Yep, gas is pretty darn high.
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