Saturday, December 06, 2008

Took a walk today...

...partly because some things happening right now have me somewhat crazed, but also because it's a beautiful day Where The Ghetto Meets The Sea...

Tonight is the local Christmas boat parade, and some people were out getting the decorations ready...

I haven't done the four-mile walk for over a month. Had no problem with it, and was happy to see my favorite, well, "Boat" was still in its slip...

Why does "Boat" crack me up? Couldn't tell you, but it gets a smile from me every time I see it.

No fishing boats working today, so only one pelican. Had to take his photo, though...

There are a few things -- very few, really, and very specific they are, too -- that could cheer me up as much as I'd like, but the walk certainly helped!


Ptolemy said...

Along the lines of naming a boat, "Boat," I have one of those euro stickers on my van that says "WOOF" and it cracks me up to think of it, because if the van rocking back and forth as three Bernese Mountain Dogs go ballistic inside isn't obvious ENOUGH, one "woof" is hardly going to enlighten.

MrScribbler said...

Ptolemy -- "WOOF?" Why am I somehow not surprised? In fact, if you had a boat I'd expect it to be called "WOOF," and that would crack me up, too!

Doug said...

"Boat" and "WOOF" make me smile. I wish I had something to name :-)

John0 Juanderlust said...

I like Boat. People probably nagged--"You have to name your boat. What will you call it?" I'm betting there may be a Dog and Cat at home with Boy and Girl.

Anonymous said...

Like a license plate on a car that reads: CAR. Lol.
You have some pretty awesome views your area!

Anonymous said...

Love the Boat boat. Heheh. My kind of picture.