My poor cats are deprived, they have no fences in their lives. . .electric barbed wire doesn't count.
They settle for any elevated place. Starlight in particular likes the fax/copier (yeah, odd office--it's in the highest point 'cause it gets little use)--probably because she's deaf and can't hear the really annoying beeps and chirps she sets off by walking on the buttons.
Cats, fences, bookshelves ... you know my cat doesn't sit on high places unless you count the top of the coach. Otherwise she likes to be under the table, on a pile of laundry, or on the couch itself. She also enjoys my lap :)
Thankyou for the cat picture, and a great one, too! You are correct: "Cats and fences seem to be made for each other."
My poor cats are deprived, they have no fences in their lives. . .electric barbed wire doesn't count.
They settle for any elevated place. Starlight in particular likes the fax/copier (yeah, odd office--it's in the highest point 'cause it gets little use)--probably because she's deaf and can't hear the really annoying beeps and chirps she sets off by walking on the buttons.
Cats, fences, bookshelves ... you know my cat doesn't sit on high places unless you count the top of the coach. Otherwise she likes to be under the table, on a pile of laundry, or on the couch itself. She also enjoys my lap :)
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