Sunday afternoon got a bit strange when D. took me into Darkest Ipswich to visit a place called New England Biolab.
No fences, guard towers or (obvious) cameras greeted us when we turned onto the grounds of what was once a large private estate. In fact, the grounds are still well-kept, and the Biolab Boss Man apparently lives in the former family manor house....
There's also a modern glass-and-metal building where the boffins hang out, but I like this one better.
I haven't the slightest idea what the Biolab produces -- I read a description, and now have a headache and know less than when I started -- but have a sneaking suspicion there's some spooky stuff going on out there in the middle of all that empty acreage....
I was told that these are guinea fowl, but suspect they are actually genetically modified sparrows....
Someone in Biolab-land likes art (my guess would be the owner, who has also established a charitable foundation), and the grounds are dotted with oddball sculptures.
PARENTHETICAL I-DIG-WEIRDNESS THOUGHT: Or are they Biolab projects gone horribly wrong?
A golden frog decorates the research building....
And a horse wanders in the meadow....
There's an octopus, too....
Since I had a strange feeling that one or more of the Roswell Alien Cadavers were being studied in the research building, I couldn't help but wonder if this was a work of art or a spore cluster from the planet Veeblefetzer-9....
Despite my usual paranoia running at full steam, I don't think we were bombarded with any form of radiation, subjected to any otherworldly probes, implanted with alien communication devices or otherwise genetically altered in any way.
I'm pretty sure of that. No reason to worry at all. I'll keep you posted on that....
2 days ago
I'm sure you were told, but here's a link:
It only gets MORE interesting...
Ptolemy -- are we sure this "Chris Williams" is from our planet, or is he a Biolab Visitor? I'll bet there are local tales about occasional weird lights hovering in the Ipswich sky....
I want to believe! ;-)
I'm wondering what you may have picked up there. The real experiments may be on the visitors who happen by. Spores in the air, electro-magnetic brain control, any number of possibilities. I bet the horse, frog, and others were originally people who drank the water.
I suggest burning your clothes and bathing in a solution of clorox and ammonia. Hold your breath until bathed and rinsed.
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