...Groundhog Day.
You all know the act, right? Groundhog emerges from hole on February 2nd, either sees his shadow or doesn't. If he sees it, we get six additional weeks of winter.
That's a pretty cushy gig, Jim.
So, on a day that was warm and sunny here, the legendary Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow in the Pennsylvania snow, and therefore announced more winter.
On the other hand, "Staten Island Chuck," a true Noo Yawk Unionized groundhog, saw his shadow and bit New York City's Mayor Bloomberg. I'm sure he was acting on behalf of a fair number of Hizzoner's constituents....
I loved the movie "Groundhog Day." Bill Murray, right? I dug Andie MacDowell big-time, too. Cute plot.
I mention that because there are times when I feel like I'm living my own twisted version of the Bill Murray part. Each day starts out a repeat of the last one. Only I don't even get the beautiful girl by the end of the day. Oh, she's around somewhere, I think, but there's none of that lovey-dovey jazz. I guess the producers felt the movie would have been a downer if Murray didn't get MacDowell between the sheets before his day reloaded.
Every day I start out figuring the next day is gonna straighten things out. Every night I think that, too. But in the night, fate hits the "rewind" button and it's back to Square One.
I could leave you with a mildly Groundhog Day-related joke, but it's sacreligious as all get-out, and I don't know all y'all that well.
Yeah, I'm tempted to run back into the cave and hibernate for six more weeks. Saw my own shadow today, too.
1 day ago
Dunno about the whole Groundhog thing but if your meterological forecasting service is anything like in my part of the world then I guess a furry animal is as good a way of forecasting weather as any other.
I think the groundhog thing is right. It was in the sixties here over the weekend; today they announced another COLD front is on its way with temps dropping back into the twenties and thirties! Yuck!
Can you imagine having to wake up to Sonny and Cher every day??
It'd be kinda interesting if we each got to choose one day to "relive" until we got it right. Wonder which one I'd choose???
I love that movie. It is one of very few movies that I can watch again and again.
He was seen here to...*sigh* Just what I need...6 more weeks of this white crap.
Kashew -- For a chance to start each day with Andie MacDowell (or *name withheld*, for that matter), I'd cheerfully wake up to the Captain and Tenille daily! And it can't get much worse than that!
He bit the mayor? That's beautiful!!! For once, someone biting the hand that robs them.
I love Groundhog Day (the movie too). In fact, I watched the movie on Sunday just because. No one cares about Groundhog Day in Texas. Oh yeah, that's because it's already spring here...
Someday I want to be in Punxsutawney for Groundhog day. It is on my list of things I want to do.
Please don't go into a cave. We like you out in the open.
My in-laws wedding anniversary. I have so much fun with gifts on this day!
I thought that movie cute, but not worth seeing more then once.
I hope your days are getting more exciting... just don't give up, you hear me?
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