Pelicans have been of special interest to me ever since I explored a beach littered with their carcasses as a child. I believe it was a die-off of historic proportions, I don't remember the cause, but I think it was tainted fish...
Joan -- Not quite as nice here, I'm afraid. We need to get you out here with camera to check it out, plenty pelicans to go around!
"anonymous" -- Ol' Ogden was writing about those East Coast pelicans with the bucket beaks. These can only manage one smallish fish (bait-size) at a time.
If we had pelicans around here, I'd photograph them. We have cranes, but I rarely see them and am usually unable to stop when I do.
Pelicans are cool.
dal -- We have cranes here, too, but they're all busy over at the shipping terminals unloading container ships....
I'll bet they taste like chicken.
Pelicans fascinate me too.
S -- Probably with slightly fishy overtones. But none of my cookware is big enough to hold one....
Pelicans have been of special interest to me ever since I explored a beach littered with their carcasses as a child. I believe it was a die-off of historic proportions, I don't remember the cause, but I think it was tainted fish...
kit -- Seven years ago, there was worry that the brown pelicans seen around here were on the edge of extinction.
Today, there are thousands -- or more -- of them. I've seen flocks of 100+, and they are everywhere.
What a wonderful bird is the pelican
His beak can hold more than his belly can
He can put in his beak
Enough food for the week
And I don't see how in the hellhecan.
O Nash
Looks like my territory!
Joan -- Not quite as nice here, I'm afraid. We need to get you out here with camera to check it out, plenty pelicans to go around!
"anonymous" -- Ol' Ogden was writing about those East Coast pelicans with the bucket beaks. These can only manage one smallish fish (bait-size) at a time.
Nash was a funny guy, though.
Pelicans are COOL! I always love watching them whenever I'm at the ocean (which is very rarely). Nice pics!
I got close but you know how I like to sit in endless meetings. Yawn.
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