Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Little House on the...

...used-to-be Prairie!

A little hard to believe that cars were whizzing by 50 feet behind me as I took this photo....

Seventy-five years ago, it was probably in the middle of nowhere, beside a meandering dirt road. Now, it's in suburbia: across the four-lane highway, there's a shopping center; 100 feet to the west, a busy intersection and then an industrial area, and houses -- brick, of course -- on the other three sides.

I think I've exhausted the supply of neat old houses and peaceful country vistas within walking distance. Not a happy thought.

Expect more ducks and any local details I find interesting enough to shoot. We're not talking about ideal choices photographically -- just what I can dredge up. Have to keep taking pictures, you know.

In the meantime, I'll probably dream about this house. As it was. A snug shelter away from all the things that annoy me about built-up "civilization." I'll bet past owners of the place could hear coyotes at night...I'll take that over traffic noise any time.


Anonymous said...

My kind of place.

Dorrie said...

how quaint! And someone still lives there?

MrScribbler said...

Dorrie -- until about a week ago,'s now for sale.

Roz said...

I grew up in a house much like that one.


Dorrie said...

pity you can't buy it... but then you'd also have to invest a lot into upkeep, too.

Silentwhisper1 said...

I love the house,Scrib:)

John0 Juanderlust said...

Cool place. There's room for a couple of coyotes there. I'll send some down. Maybe we could form a pool of investors to buy the place. Actually, if the thing was structured right, not a bad thought.

MrScribbler said...

JohnO -- Not sure if the house comes with the adjoining property where hosses graze, but that's part of the charm. A separate yard would have to be set aside for the coyotes, unless they can be housebroken. And maybe taught to ride horses....