Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday conundrums...

...I ran across while wandering around outdoors today.

No prizes for correct answers, but I'm guessing some of the responses might make me smile, and I could use one....

1. What are these items attacked to a chain barrier at a popular spot from which to overlook the Port of L.A.?

2. How many cats do you see in this photo?

Correct answers later.


Doug said...

Hmmm. It's a port, and a port has sailors, so they could be industrial strength, um, pleasure enhancement devices...

I guess eight cats. It's hard to tell if the dark things in the foliage are cats or garbage bags.

Anonymous said...

Those are watchamacallits made specifically to fulfill the job of chummies that attach the hugamajink to the dooflicky. Right?
I do believe there are 7, maybe 8 puddy tats in the picture.


Anonymous said...

I would say 8.

Anonymous said...

What is it? A catvention?

I have no idea on the first one - I almost thought it was lock cut off but it isn't.

John0 Juanderlust said...

More than two cats.
Markers so airplanes won't run into the chain. They have little DC light bulbs in there, but not curly ones.

John0 Juanderlust said...

guess #2: balancing things so the pelicans won't fall of the chain.