All y'all who endure this kind of thing every year may laugh at me -- why should you be different? -- but, while I am very familiar with snow, I simply didn't expect to see it Where I Am Now....
I mean, I've spent plenty of time in and around the White Stuff, from Alaska to Colorado, Seattle to Norway, Connecticut to, well, California. I've played in it, walked in it, driven in it and, on two memorable occasions, even raced cars (albeit informally) and scooted around on a snowmobile in it.
I'm simply not used to seeing it from my bedroom window.
In fact, that has happened to me only once before, and that was in 1991. The place Where I Used to Live seldom had recorded snowfall (the last time before '91 was in 1950, and I do not remember that), so the sudden appearance then was a surprise for us. More so to the four cats that then shared my abode; two took right to it and went outside to play, two sensibly -- and aloofly -- stayed indoors and ignored the whole thing.
The snow lasted only an hour or so there. It'll likely be around longer here. Given my current situation, it's not especially convenient, but I do like it, and am enjoying snow-memories it is dredging up.
Maybe I'll feel less affinity for snow when I have to shovel big drifts of it, as I'm quite certain I will one day. Nope. I'm sure I'll be offered hot chocolate and other inducements....
2 days ago
I have no affection for snow at all, aside from the fact that makes a pretty scene here and there. In some ways (and only in some) ways, I'm way too grown up to want to play in it :-)
I'm not too grown up to play in the snow, Doug. Not yet, anyway!
Snowballs, snowmen, snow angels, snow forts.
All much more fun than snow shovels.
Don't forget sno-cones, "mag!"
I love the snow, even though this year it caused havoc in my world. The tons of snow we had melted over the last days, causing extreme flooding everywhere, but heaven forbid it re-freezes!
Everyone's got snow pictures! I have no use for it. In Texas it should have snowed all night and be gone by noon. However, I wake up and yesterday's snow is still on the groud.
I am over snow, but I have to admit it sure looks pretty when it's new.
The first time I ever saw snow was a snow flurry Where You Live Now.
I was 16.
Looks like you got a nice little dose.
Don't know how this post escaped my notice before. You do these sneak attacks
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