...pretty well sums up my day. Cold is easiest to explain: I went to the chiro today and, among other things, I have to put an icepack on my by back -- in two places -- for 15 minutes five times daily. I'm up to Number Three right now. Ugh. Not comfortable.
Hot? It was 104 degrees where his office is located, and it's hot here. I don't like that any more than I like the cold on my spine.
The chiro was interesting, if difficult to put up with. He is a zealot for chiropractic, an evangelist who touts it as a potential cure for many disorders. Hell, almost everything I've ever complained about will be dealt with as soon as my bones are in alignment.
It was almost as if I was facing Dr John Harvey Kellogg. All that was missing was a lecture on the evils of "autointoxication" plus, perhaps, an enema to "exonerate" my bowels. I guess having a "subluxation" will have to do.
Granted, I'm not the one to approach this with an entirely open mind. My mother was in the medical field and viewed practitioners of chiropractic with something like the disdain she would have shown had I come to her with a tale of visiting an Obeah man.
Still, rather than telling me to lie down and subject myself to a series of contortions and forced cracks and pops, he took a series of x-rays and made a big production out of explaining why I was in pain. Then we got around to the cracks and pops....
PARENTHETICAL THEM'S-THE-BREAKS THOUGHT: One of the x-rays showed a broken (and fully healed) bone in my right shoulder. I had no idea! Never had a car accident serious enough to leave me in pain, no sports injuries in school school, no nothin'. Weird.
I get to go back for more Monday. Somehow, I've never been to any kind of medical person who has said, "here, this will fix you up and you won't have to come back for a half-million follow-up visits." I sense that this is going to take a while, and cost me far more than I can afford.
And damn, my back still hurts....
I'm not in the mood for this.
Meanwhile, the downward spiral continues. No checks, no offers of anything that would give me even the slightest break from the pressure I feel. Every time the phone rings or I run into anyone, my first thought is: what will they demand/take from me?
I did get an email from the editor to whom I sent a story this week:
"Uh, you NAILED this story. Put simply, it is beautiful. Few have impressed me the way this one does, and this after 11 years.
And what an easy edit..."
I still got it, Jim. Me and Tiger Woods.
Well, no, I ain't still got it. The writing took me more than twice as long as it should have, and I was wracked by angry and indecisive moments all the way. One of the bad hangovers of That Awful February 29th. That seldom happened to me before. Besides, what it all adds up to is a small check in two or three months. Doesn't even begin to help with today's crisis. Tiger? He needs surgery, but he's got a zillion dollars to pay the bills and suffer through the necessary downtime.
I suppose I should be grateful. Mark Twain didn't write a word after he died, so far as I know. Neither did Big Ernie Hemingway. Makes me unique.
You know what? This is all self-pity, and I understand that and am not proud of it, but I'm tired of rolling that damn rock up the hill over and over, only to have it roll back down again and get heavier when it does so.
I could tell you what I feel I need right now, but why? I dare not feel the slightest optimism that I'm going to get it.
No matter how many bones the chiro manages to re-align....
2 days ago
All chiros are zealots, and of course they will want you to continue treatments, even if you become pain free. It is part of the chiro religion to have preventative maintenance every week or so. It works for some people; it worked for Tyler but the gov't took it off the health plan, and we stopped taking him. He's fine, anyway.
I just can't see me letting someone mess with my spine. It scares the hell out of me.
Any more word on the possible job?
anon -- I don't expect to hear anything from that until sometime next week.
a broken shoulder you didn't know about? wow...
hang in there Scribby... you know WE care! And I hope news about the job comes soon and works out. I've also applied for a new job... the one I'm in is good pay, but what good is that if I become an emotional wreck because of it? The pay is the ONLY thing keeping me there right now :-(
Birdie -- I know, and I can't even sue anyone over the break!
If I was drawing a salary, I could take a lot of the grief that bugs me. Not sure if I could deal with what bugs you in your job no matter how big the money, though.
Never been to a "bone popper" before, but people I know who have actually report good results. Course, they take annual pilgrimages to Roswell, too.
I hope the job offer materializes. I just know that would take a mountain of stress off you. Keep us posted. Hope you feel better soon.
The secret of abundance is to stop focusing on what you do not have, and shift your consciousness to an appreciation for all that you are and all that you DO have. Get out of yourself. Send out love and harmony, put your mind and body in a peaceful place and allow the universe to work in the perfect way it knows how.
Wayne Dyer - Staying On The Path.
Hey there! I read you but rarely comment. Thanks for reading my wildstorm photoblog! Hope you are doing well.
I will hope the job possibility works out. That sounds like the best hope of turning things around now. Picture me typing with my fingers crossed.
Owch that must hurt
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