...how long it takes me to walk four miles. Never thought to check, but today I did.
It took me one hour, 11 minutes. And, since the one who asked is almost certainly enamored of precision to an unusual extent, 21 seconds.
There are few things I enjoy as much as answering questions when finding the answer is that easy.
Just don't ask me about how work is going so far today, please. The walk put me in a good mood, and I'm not ready to have the bubble burst yet.
2 days ago
Well, after the 5 year old spent the night hurling and the husband went to bed with a fever and chills, and I got up this morning to clean up the vomit that couldn't be seen at 2 AM, then an elderly friend called looking for company to walk her two dogs in the woods... So, we took our FIVE dogs for a nice romp through the woods and they came home smelling a little marshy, but we all got some fresh air... I doubt we accomplished anything like 4 miles in our hour, but some of the dogs, doing loop-de-loops may have... So, getting OUTSIDE and doing something as worthy of note as walking four miles is going to be a great start to ANY day, even if it goes all down hill from there... At least you can look back and say, well, I walked four miles and breathed some fresh air... Think of that poor woman adhered to her toilet seat... She definitely did NOT walk four miles today! And why that is any consolation, I have no idea... Just saying! ;-)
Ptolemy -- I try not to think of the woman who got too familiar with the toilet seat. Ditto for hurling 5-year-olds!
There is an amazing variety of pooches to be seen out for walks along my path. Everything from giant poodles to Maltese to black Labs. It's all one can do to avoid tripping over some of them.
I should be out walking in the fresh air. Yet what do I do? I go shopping at least I did some walking in the stores.
Roz -- I wouldn't mind walking through some stores either, but walking outdoors is free. At least until the government finds some way to tax it....
Good on you Scrib.
So, 3.36370 mph. Or thereabouts.
f -- What fraction of the speed of light does this work out to?
Very small fraction scrib. Like you, I enjoy easy research.
assuming speed of liht as 670,616,630mph... or thereabouts.
Yer speed was, howsoever, 36% better than mine on my recent 3 hour limp.
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